NS-CUK Summer School on Technical Writing 2024

The 2nd NS-CUK Summer School on Technical Writing:
Where Your ‘Dreams’ Become ‘Words’ (NS-CUK TW 2023)

2024년 가톨릭대학교 기술적글쓰기 여름학교: 여러분들의 ‘꿈’이 ‘글’이 되는 곳

NS Lab@CUK organizes a summer school dedicated to technical writing. This program consists of 11 lectures presented by Dr. Eun-Soon You (유은순 박사) and is scheduled to take place over a period of three weeks, from July 17th, 2024, to July 31st, 2024.

A special lecture on ‘writing’ where you can unfold your thoughts and dreams into words awaits you. Don’t miss the opportunity this summer to present yourself to the world through ‘writing’!

여러분들의 생각과 꿈을 글로 펼칠 수 있는 ‘글쓰기’ 특강이 여러분들을 기다리고 있습니다. 올여름 ‘글쓰기’를 통해 ‘나’를 세상에 선보일 기회를 놓치지 마세요!

Here are the details of the summer school:

  • Location: Sophie Barat Hall B351, Songsim Global Campus, The Catholic University of Korea
  • Time: July 17th (Wed) to July 31st (Wed), 15:00 – 18:00
  • Speaker: Dr. Eun-Soon You, Department of Artificial Intelligence, CUK
  • Contact: Prof. O-Joun Lee, Department of Artificial Intelligence, CUK
  • TA: TBA
  • Registration Period: June 1st - Jun 22nd
  • Registration Method: Google Form

Programme at a glance

  • July 17th (Wed) - Preparing for Writing: The Importance and Challenges of Writing (글쓰기 준비: 글쓰기의 중요성과 어려움)
  • July 18th (Thu) - The Process and Basic Principles of Writing (글쓰기의 절차와 기본 원칙)
  • July 19th (Fri) - Strategies and Techniques for Writing (글쓰기의 전략과 기술)
  • July 22nd (Mon) - Writing to Discover ‘Me’ (‘나’를 발견하는 글쓰기)
  • July 23rd (Tue) - Logical Writing: Logical Thinking and Critical Reasoning (논리적 글쓰기: 논리적 생각과 비판적 사고력)
  • July 24th (Wed) - Writing by Genre: Reviews and Personal Statements (장르별 글쓰기: 리뷰와 자기소개서)
  • July 25th (Thu) - How to Write a Short Paper: Procedure and Topic Selection (소논문 작성법: 절차와 주제 정하기)
  • July 26th (Fri) - How to Write a Short Paper: Research and Organization (소논문 작성법: 자료 조사와 정리)
  • July 29th (Mon) - How to Write a Short Paper: Outlining (소논문 작성법: 개요 작성하기)
  • July 30th (Tue) - Writing Reports and Assignments (레포트 및 과제 글쓰기)
  • July 31st (Wed) - Ethical Writing to Prevent Plagiarism (표절 방지를 위한 윤리적 글쓰기)