Network Science Lab

Network science is a field of study that aims to reveal structural patterns in real-world interaction networks, such as social networks, bibliographic networks, power grids, and others. The Network Science Lab (NS Lab; 네트워크과학연구실), part of the Dept. of AI at CUK, conducts extensive research on a wide range of theories, methodologies, and applications related to collection, representation, and analysis of networked data.

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AIM, a New Student-Run Academic Society

We are pleased to announce the formation of AIM (Artificial Intelligence Master), a student-run academic society affiliated with the Department of AI at CUK. As a sister society of NS Lab@CUK, AIM aims to enhance the experience of developing practical AI models and applications at CUK.

CFP of CUK AI Colloquium 2022

Call for Papers of the 1st CUK Annual Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence - A workshop series that brings together graduate and undergraduate students from the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the Catholic University of Korea to present and discuss their research with experienced scholars in the field.

CFP of Computing4Human 2023

Call for Papers of the 4th International Conference on Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (Computing4Human 2023) - Building upon the success of the previous event, this year's conference aims to delve deeper into AI applications that enhance the quality of life for citizens.

Jooho Lee and Se Eun Cho won the Best Award in the 2022 CUK Competition on Data Analytics

Jooho Lee and Se Eun Cho participated in the 2022 CUK Competition on Data Analytics (제2회 가톨릭대학교 데이터분석 경진대회) with Seongho Ahn and won the best award.

NS-CUK Winter School on AI Ethics 2022

The Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea is organising a winter school on the ethics of AI and robots. This winter school program consists of 18 lectures given by Dr. Eun-Soon You (유은순 박사) and is scheduled to run for six weeks (Dec 19th, 2022 -- Jan 27th, 2023).