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Van Thuy Hoang won the Best Award in the 22nd Graduate School Academic Awards

Van Thuy Hoang, a doctoral student at the Network Science Lab @ CUK, received the Best Award (최우수상) at the 22nd Graduate School Academic Awards (제22회 대학원 학술상) Ceremony for his outstanding research in graph learning, highlighting the lab's leadership in graph ML.

One NS-CUK paper accepted for AAAI'25

Members of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea submitted one paper on pre-training graph neural networks on molecules to the 39th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2025) and was accepted.

Jin Woo Jeong and Ju Hee Shim won the Best Award in the 2024 CUK Competition on AI, CSIE, and DS

The undergraduate research assistants of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea distinguished themselves in the 2024 CUK Competition on AI, CSIE, and DS (제 3회 가톨릭대학교 인공지능학과/컴퓨터정보공학부/데이터사이언스학과 경진대회), securing the Best Award.

Jin Woo Jeong won the Encouragement Award in the 2024 CUK Competition on Industrial Mathematics

The undergraduate research assistant of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea distinguished himself in the 2024 CUK Competition on Industrial Mathematics (제1회 가톨릭대학교 수학과 산업수학 경진대회), securing the Encouragement Award.

Jin Woo Jeong, Min Seo Kim, and Jinho Seo won the Encouragement Award in the 2024 CUK Competition on Data Analytics

The undergraduate research assistants of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea have once again distinguished themselves in the 2024 CUK Competition on Data Analytics (제4회 가톨릭대학교 데이터분석 경진대회), securing the encouragement award for the third consecutive year.

Two NS-CUK papers accepted for AAAI'24 and XAI4Sci@AAAI'24

Members of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea submitted two papers on structure-preserving graph transformers and explainable graph neural networks to the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024) and were accepted.

Jooho Lee, Ho Beom Kim, and Hyo Eun Lee won the Best Award in the 2023 CUK Competition on Data Analytics

The undergraduate research assistants of the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea have once again distinguished themselves in the 2023 CUK Competition on Data Analytics (제3회 가톨릭대학교 데이터분석 경진대회), securing the best award for the second consecutive year.

AIM, a New Student-Run Academic Society

We are pleased to announce the formation of AIM (Artificial Intelligence Master), a student-run academic society affiliated with the Department of AI at CUK. As a sister society of NS Lab@CUK, AIM aims to enhance the experience of developing practical AI models and applications at CUK.

Jooho Lee and Se Eun Cho won the Best Award in the 2022 CUK Competition on Data Analytics

Jooho Lee and Se Eun Cho participated in the 2022 CUK Competition on Data Analytics (제2회 가톨릭대학교 데이터분석 경진대회) with Seongho Ahn and won the best award.

Sangmyeong Lee will join Hanyang University as a graduate student

Sangmyeong Lee will leave the Network Science Lab at the Catholic University of Korea to join Hanyang University as an M.Eng. course student. During the last three months, he has participated in ongoing studies and events in our lab and impressed all the lab members despite the short period.